Saturday, June 28, 2008

I hope Hunter learned a lesson this week...

Hi all!

It hasn't been too much of an excitng week around here. It rained a lot and it was only above 80 two times, so on those day we went to the spray playground as it is being called. Hunter could stay there all day but Devin and Bryce can only last an hour or so. Then I get them dried off and into some clothes and we go to the playground next to it for about thirty minutes. Glad it's free because we don't spend too much time there at once!

This week the Amish crew that clean houses came over. Tim bought me a 2 hour slot for Mother's Day. I wasn't too keen on all the chemicals, but I knew I'd never deep clean as good as these ladies would do. They said they'd be moving furniture and washing baseboards!! We left them to their work with the house windows open so the place could air out.

Hunter's bedroom has been a mess for so long now. I told him that four woman were coming to deep clean our house and I wanted his bedroom to be one of the rooms that got some attention. Tim and I looked behind and under things to make sure there wasn't any disgusting surprises, most of you know what I mean, for the ladies, but there wasn't. Every day that went by I told Hunter to clean up his room. He didn't do it and he still didn't do it and he had only an hour left when Tim said enough and took a big black garbage bag into Hunter's room and tossed everything but the books I could save into that bag and out to the garbage can it went.

Hunter hovered by and I knew he wanted to say something. I had to tell him to speak up but all he did was reach out and grab something here and snatch something there. I thought, I hoped, he would get upset, but all he did was watch and listen. Maybe in his silence it was hitting home and we won't have to play that scene again.

I did get a return call from the DAN! doc I mentioned in my last update. To make a long stroy short the woman was rude. She pretty much told me I wasn't commited to making my son well and that I was looking for a quick fix. Therefore, I will be looking for a new DAN! doctor. I did take Hunter to see a gastro doc who told me what I already knew, but I just wanted to make sure. He recommended an enema, but Hunter had to endure those a few years back and I'd rather not go through that again. I picked up a root beer flavored laxitive to help clean up any blockage up there and bought him some fiber crackers. If he's still having problems after our return from Michigan, the doc will look deeper. If he still is messing his underwear, I will probably have to keep him home from his summer camp this year.

Are boys born to it? Is it in their genes?? Devin has seen a few scenes of a couple older kid/adult shows and movies, but is that still too much??? He is continuously shooting me and starting to wrestle with Bryce. He does have some cute moves though where he jumps up and down into a spread legged position and holds his hands like he's doing karate. I just hope I can keep him tame so he doesn't hurt anyone.

Bryce has come into the monkey stage of toddler hood. He is climbing on to everything! When walking across the room he has to sway over to a toy and step on it and down before carrying on his way. With us hovering nearby he's climbed the stairs and gone part way down them. He's more interested in going up right now than down. We were at an indoor playground this week and I looked up and he had climbed up the slide and was happily standing at the top with a new view he hasn't seen before!

He's almost running but if he gets going to fast he falls on his knees. He tries to eat everything I give him, but he can't contain the urge to throw most of it on to the floor. Devin on the other hand...I don't see where he gets all his energy with just two bites at each meal!

Tomorrow my sister Karyn and her wonderfuly behaved children :) will be arriving. They'll probably get here in time for dinner and Monday morning we'll be on our way to take over our parent's house in Northern Michigan. Ready or not, dad, here we come! We'll be there through the 18th, but I think Karyn is leaving the day before.

So everyone have a great next couple weeks and look for an update and a ton of pictures around the 20th (which is my wedding anniversary. Yikes!)



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